Selangor adalah antara negeri penyumbang terbesar angka positif Covid dan kematian akibat Covid dalam negara ini. Kes positif mengikut negeri yang dikeluarkan oleh Kemneterian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) masih menunjukkan Selangor menjuarai catatan kes. (setakat 12/8/21, 12PM)

Seperti yang kita tahu, peningkatan jumlah kes positf di Selangor adalah disebabkan oleh jumlah saringan Covid19 yang begitu besar, samada yang dianjurkan oleh kerajaan Negeri mahupun kerajaan persekutuan melalui KKM selain saringan yang dilakukan di fasiliti swasta. 

Namun begitu sehingga kini kita rakyat Selagor tidak tahu bahawa jumlah tinggi ini adalah termasuk warga asing yang bekerja di sektor perkilangan, diikuti perkhidmatan, tapak pembinaan, perniagaan dan komuniti.

Dalam satu kenyataan, Menteri Besar Selangor telah menyatakan bahawa kes tertinggi dicatat oleh sektor pekerjaan iaitu kluster perkilangan mencapai sehingga 80 peratus dari jumlah keseluruhan. Kita tahu dan jangan tolak bahawa mereka yang positif dari kluster itu majoritinya adalah warga asing.

""Mengikut angka dan data terkini, sepanjang bulan Jun, 91 peratus kluster di Selangor berpunca daripada pekerjaan iaitu 80 peratus kluster perkilangan dan 11 peratus kluster tapak binaan bersamaan dengan 125 kluster daripada dua sektor ini," kata Menteri Besar Selangor, Datuk Seri Amirudin Shari (>>klik sini<<).

Pengarah Kesihatan Selangor, Datuk Dr. Sha’ari Ngadiman mengesahkan bahawa penyumbang kluster aktif yang paling besar di negeri tersebut jelasnya (Selangor), masih lagi dikuasai dari sektor perkilangan, diikuti perkhidmatan, tapak pembinaan, perniagaan dan komuniti. (>>klik sini<<) Malangnya tak lama kemudian Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) didapati telah memadam kenyataan yang dimuatnaik di laman Twitter @KKMalaysia.

Rakyat Selangor telah menjadi mangsa akibat angka-angka yang diangkat oleh KKM hingga dikurung bertahun-tahun lamanya tanpa sebarang pengetahuan mengenai siapa penyumbang angka ini sebenarnya?

Akibat angka yang dicampur ini, keajaan telah gagal mengenalpasti kedudukan sebenar kluster yang patut dikurung untuk dipulihkan. Kebanyakan mereka adalah warga asing yang menjadi hamba kepada majikan-majikan tamak yang terus beroperasi walaupun telah diberikan arahan untuk menutup operasi.

Kegagalan mengasingkan data angka positif ini juga menyebabkan kerajaan gagal mencari solusi bagaimana untuk mengawal wabak ini dari terus menjangkiti penduduk tempatan (rakyat malaysia) yang tinggal bedekatan dengan penempatan warga asing. 

Mengapa kerajaan mahu merahsiakan angka warga asing yang telah positif Covid19 ini?

Apakah mainan politik ini memberi keuntungan besar kepada majikan-majikan atau keuntungan besar untuk orang politik yang gila kuasa di atas sana?


Anonymous said...

gelang pink bebas keluar kemana-mana
tak kisah warga asing atau melayu sama sahaja di top glove..cuba dtg ke setia alam..buat siasatan bukan buat buta

Anonymous said...

Dear everyone,
Be careful of YIP KUM FOOK (MCA GOMBAK) because this man is cheating and disturbing of many people's wives, and also cheating of Buddhist Temple (SAMNAK SAMBODHI)'s money.
Recently, many people know in what he"yip" did, please stay far from him. He is lawyer, Datuk, MCA Chairman and etc. or everyone can research at Website "YIP KUM FOOK"
Loh Guan Lye
Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur

Anonymous said...

To proclaim to Buddhists in Malaysia

Yip Kum Fook (Gombak MCA) did a lot of bad things for SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong. As he removed the monks out of the temple, he told his men to close the temple doors, all of them(monks) had to leave because have exercised power in this measure

Yip Kum Fook was the president of this temple because the other president (Ah Chia), then Ah Chia, and the committee members left and then set up a new committee. He used his power to play politics in the temple until now the temple has never peaceful

On the other hand, his son (Yip Jiun Hann) would often say to the monks and devotees, this temple is my father's temple. And this temple belongs to my father. Maybe his father to teach him that to his son

Everyone can type YIP KUM FOOK in internet or GOOGLE and everything will see what happened to YIP KUM FOOK. Please share...now he has many high court cases.

Untuk mengisytiharkan kepada penganut Buddha di Malaysia

Yip Kum Fook (MCA Gombak) melakukan banyak perkara buruk terhadap KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI di Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong. Semasa dia mengeluarkan rahib daripada kuil, dia memberitahu orang-orangnya untuk menutup pintu kuil, mereka semua (sami-sami) terpaksa pergi kerana telah menggunakan kuasa dalam langkah ini.

Yip Kum Fook adalah presiden kuil ini kerana presiden lain (Ah Chia), kemudian Ah Chia, dan ahli jawatankuasa pergi dan kemudian menubuhkan jawatankuasa baharu. Dia menggunakan kuasanya untuk bermain politik di kuil sehingga kini kuil tidak pernah aman.

Sebaliknya, anaknya (Yip Jiun Hann) sering berkata kepada sami dan penganut, kuil ini adalah kuil ayah saya. Dan kuil ini kepunyaan ayah saya. Mungkin ayahnya untuk mengajarnya begitu kepada anaknya

Semua orang boleh menaip YIP KUM FOOK di internet atau GOOGLE dan semuanya akan melihat apa yang berlaku kepada YIP KUM FOOK. Tolong share...sekarang dia ada banyak kes mahkamah tinggi

By jimmy Ong, Kepong

Anonymous said...

Sila kongsi dan majukan kepada semua rakan-rakan

Kami ingin memaklumkan kepada semua tentang YIP KUM FOOK, presiden KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, YIP KUM FOOK tidak pernah memalukan orang ramai tentang beliau selalu berbohong, menipu, menghina ajaran Buddha, dll.

Baru-baru ini ramai yang memperkatakan tentang perwatakannya, sebelum ini dia seorang pemandu lori yang menghantar perabot ke mana-mana, kemudian dia belajar kursus undang-undang di beberapa universiti tetapi kita tidak tahu dia belajar kursus atau tidak kerana dia tidak tahu undang-undang, dia menipu orang. dimana - mana. dan bagaimana peguam boleh menipu orang tanpa rasa takut pada undang-undang

Harap semua orang harus mengambil berat tentang nama ini YIP KUM FOOK (PEGUAM ATAU MCA GOMBAK PENGERUSI DAN PRESIDEN KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI), juga perlu dikongsi dan dimajukan kepada semua. Jika tersilap langkah, anda akan kehilangan segala-galanya, lelaki atau YIP KUM FOOK ini sangat bahaya dan anaknya (YIP JIUN HANN) juga yang paling bahaya.


Anonymous said...

Dear people who are benevolent in the Dharma

I would like to use this language to spread the bitter experience that actually happened in the Buddhist Association of Buddhists, Nos. 19-21 JLAN 38 TAMAN DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100 KUALA LUMPUR. Malaysia

I resent the president of the MCA Gombak Division (Yip Kum Fook) and the President of the Buddhist Association of Priests (Yip Kum Fook) because they used a vile and arrogant method to lead a group of people from other places. to provoke and trample on the sacred Without a reasonable reason to call the police to detain a monk until he is humiliated by Buddhists.

I hereby ask, what serious sin did Lawyer Yip Kum Fook commit to the extent that Mr. Yip Kum Fook, by means of lawyers or by criminals, called the police to imprison a monk like him?

i am from Penang I'm a took a temporary break at the Buddhist Association for Fellowships to study and learn Dharma practice while at the temple I couldn't stand the behaviour of lawyer Yip Kum Fook. Your impolite, arrogant, and impeccable attitude towards the abbot of the temple.

Because I spoke a few words about your behaviour with you. So you use dirty methods. This is to injure the monks. It is unacceptable and a very bad example.

for the principal If his and her students have committed an offense The police had to meet with the principal. try to understand the real situation before the police take any action. This is normal practice.

Unfortunately, Yip Kum Fook's lawyer who himself is a lawyer chose to do so.

Otherwise, he did not follow the teachings of Buddhism and disrespect the spirit of Buddhism just to show that he was the powerful President of the Gombak Volunteer Division and the President of the Buddhist Association. He called on the police to detain the monk to know his motives.

It is very fortunate that the fact that religion is a sensitive matter. Even the Malay police understand and respect the religion, culture and customs of other communities so they are in no hurry to take action. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

I can understand why Yip Kum Fook's lawyers are outraged and burst into flames. The main reasons are as follows. Abbot of the Buddhist Association of Buddha. He was an abbot for 20 years. He was an architect and played an important role in raising funds for people to build temples.

The abbot panicked to find that a new man like him, Yip Kum Fook, a lawyer; The chairman of MCA Gombak was not involved in the talks. His speech was beautifully decorated with humanity, virtue and morality.

but in practice He tends to equalize the marginalized and drive away those who make eye contact with him. The temple board instead of most of his relatives. Moreover, the temple funds were not managed transparently. Ultimately, his real motive was to turn the sacred and pristine grounds into the political headstone and political base. and from places of worship as private property

The abbot was well aware of what had happened. but in order to maintain the health of all temples He gave the good intentions advice of lawyer Yip Kum Fook. But the advice was not well received. This made the lawyer Yib Khum Fook unhappy. restless and run away like crazy instead of listening to advice Instead, he used every opportunity to create problems and persecute the abbot and monks in order not to stay and leave the temple any longer.

Lawyer Yip Kum Fook and chairman of MCA Gombak, with a clear villain design and a sly style known to everyone... Your sweet words can deceive and deceive some people at times. But you can't do it all the time. The destiny of Buddhism will surely occur.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to bless you. Ask the lawyer Yip Kum Fook to wake up to the truth. Repent before it's too late, do good, refrain from evil.

your Dhamma

Ven. Phra Piyathammo

Penang, Malaysia

Anonymous said...

We would like to announce to all Malaysian Buddhists, that if anyone is political, please do not allow them to join any Buddhist Temple committee or Buddhist association because they hope and expect something from Buddhists, like the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE(吉隆坡甲洞帝沙再也三宝), there now is very problematic because the president is an MCA politician “DATUK YIP KUM FOOK (叶金福 Datuk Yip Kim Hock)”

For example, like DATUK YIP KUM FOOK 叶金福 and he is cheating everywhere, also playboy to people wives everywhere, he doesn't have any Buddhist rules, then after go to get a position as Buddhist temple president, this is very ugly and shameful.... used police and gangsters to remove the Buddhist monks out from Temple

This SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE(吉隆坡甲洞帝沙再也三宝) is founded by Buddhist Sangha Kelantan at Taman Ehsan and then moved to Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong...You! (YIP KUM FOOK) just become a president of Temple but you reject all old committees, your mind is very dirty.... now Buddhist devotees wake up to understanding what happened at Temple

We and the devotees know very well about SAMNAK SAMBODHI because we are close to the Buddhist monks in Kelantan, we were in the committee for a long time because the last time Temple was nothings, we had to support the Sangha to build the Temple, but you (Yip) defrauded the Sangha of RM20,000.00, this is a dirty mind and stupid thought

Political ideas and Buddhist teachings, please do not mix because Buddhism is a way of human life in this world and the afterlife, DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福 needs to understand more on this, because of he / you higher education (law graduate), we are ordinary people, cannot be compared to you

Tony Keong, Kepong

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
DATUK YIP KUM FOOK sangat jahat kerana menggunakan polis dan gangster untuk menghalau sami Buddha keluar dari kuil, memaksa semua sami Buddha keluar dari kuil secepat mungkin, dll.

Kemudian Sami Buddha perlu keluar dari Kuil kerana mereka atau pasukan DATUK YIP KUM FOOK kuat dan garang, beberapa sami perlu ke hotel untuk berehat, dan beberapa penganut membawa sami ke rumah mereka di Kepong Baru

Kalau ada yang tak percayakan kami, sila hubungi Ah Wah, Selayang...Bob Tan, Ah Chuah, dll.... adalah saksi kejadian pada hari tersebut.

Segala-galanya tidak akan dilupakan oleh penganut Buddha di Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, dan kami akan menghantar maklumat ini kepada dunia Buddha(Buddhist) dan Dunia Buddha Sangha dan juga berkongsi di internet

Oleh Yap, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong
Re- shared by Datuk Kim and Friends, Taman Desa Jaya…Kepong